I brought this necklace from a press trip to the Jizera Mountains, from a small shop near a small beads factory. Can you understand that this beauty was only 80 CZK (3 EUR/4 USD)???
20. června 2013
Tenhle náhrdelník jsem si přivezla z press tripu do Jizerských hor, z obchůdku u malé výrobny korálků. Chápete, že tahle nádhera stála jen 80 Kč???
I brought this necklace from a press trip to the Jizera Mountains, from a small shop near a small beads factory. Can you understand that this beauty was only 80 CZK (3 EUR/4 USD)???
I brought this necklace from a press trip to the Jizera Mountains, from a small shop near a small beads factory. Can you understand that this beauty was only 80 CZK (3 EUR/4 USD)???
Broadcasting :-)
Tak jsem byla v televizi a jako módní redaktorka "zasvěceně" diskutovala :-)
So I was on TV as a fashion editor and informedly discussing :-)
So I was on TV as a fashion editor and informedly discussing :-)
18. června 2013
Vždycky když si myslím, že jsem na dně, zjistím, že to jde ještě o kousek níž. Znáte ten pocit? A co s tím? Snad jen vydržet a vypadat u toho přijatelně...
Every time I think I'm down, I find out that I can be a bit lower. You know that feeling? And what to do? Perhaps just stand straight and look acceptably...
17. června 2013
Tyhle šaty to byla láska na první pohled. Když o tom tak přemýšlím, začínám mít pocit, že se mi to po období, kdy jsem si vůbec nic nekoupila, stává nějak často... :-)
This dress was love at first sight. When I think about it, I'm starting to feel like after a period when I did not buy anything, it becomes somehow often... :-)
This dress was love at first sight. When I think about it, I'm starting to feel like after a period when I did not buy anything, it becomes somehow often... :-)
13. června 2013
Další nová sukně... na svou premiéru čekala už od jara :-)
Another new skirt ... waiting for its launch since spring :-)
Another new skirt ... waiting for its launch since spring :-)
11. června 2013
Trocha orientální inspirace a den, kdy se mi rozbily dvoje boty... Nemáte někdo zkušenost s těmito loňskými sandály ze Zary? Neustále mi na nich odpadá podrážka na podpatku. Tak nevím, jestli je špatná bota, nebo mi to jen špatně opravili...
A bit of oriental inspiration and the day I broke two pairs of shoes ... Does anybody have experience with these last year's sandals from Zara? I'm constantly losing the sole of the heel. I do not know if this is a bad shoe, or it is just poorly repaired...
A bit of oriental inspiration and the day I broke two pairs of shoes ... Does anybody have experience with these last year's sandals from Zara? I'm constantly losing the sole of the heel. I do not know if this is a bad shoe, or it is just poorly repaired...
31. května 2013
Jeden starší outfit, než začnu konečně přidávat něco nového... :-)
One older outfit before I finally start to add something new ... :-)
One older outfit before I finally start to add something new ... :-)