This yellow sweater I found on sale on Tuesday in the F & F at Tesco - Smíchov. Originally I thought that it would look great with light jeans and it will really spring model ... But spring is obviously still God knows where, so I reached for the black pants. Sweater is from really comfortable material and I was excited by this fact that I might even buy it in a different color as well...
28. března 2013
Tenhle žlutý svetr jsem objevila v úterý ve slevě v F&F v Tescu na Smíchově. Původně jsem si říkala, že bude vypadat skvěle ke světlým džínám, že to bude fakt jarní model... Jenže jaro je evidentně stále bůhvíkde, tak jsem sáhla po černých kalhotách. Svetr je z hrozně příjemného materiálu a tak mě nadchnul, že se asi stavím ještě pro nějakou jinou barvu, jestli tedy ještě bude...
This yellow sweater I found on sale on Tuesday in the F & F at Tesco - Smíchov. Originally I thought that it would look great with light jeans and it will really spring model ... But spring is obviously still God knows where, so I reached for the black pants. Sweater is from really comfortable material and I was excited by this fact that I might even buy it in a different color as well...
This yellow sweater I found on sale on Tuesday in the F & F at Tesco - Smíchov. Originally I thought that it would look great with light jeans and it will really spring model ... But spring is obviously still God knows where, so I reached for the black pants. Sweater is from really comfortable material and I was excited by this fact that I might even buy it in a different color as well...
27. března 2013
Včera jsem se rozhodla, že přivolám jaro novou zelenou kabelkou z Lindexu. Zatím mi to moc nefunguje, ale nehodlám se vzdát! :-)
I decided to summon spring with this new green bag from Lindex yesterday. So far it has not really worked yet, but I will not give up! :-)
25. března 2013
Pár fotek z pondělka... Růžové šaty, které jste na blogu viděli milionkrát, ale letošní zimu jsou prostě nej. Tentokrát jsem "vylepšila" kočičí broží, kterou jsem si přivezla v létě z New Yorku.
A few photos from Monday... You have seen this pink dress on a blog a million times, but this winter i it simply best. This time I "upgraded" it with cat brooch that I brought in the summer from New York.
A few photos from Monday... You have seen this pink dress on a blog a million times, but this winter i it simply best. This time I "upgraded" it with cat brooch that I brought in the summer from New York.
Minulé dny / Days before
Asi i u mě nastala krize blogování. Minulé dva týdny jsme popravdě neměla moc náladu na focení, zima už je dlouhá a focení v kabátech a bundách nic moc. Doufám, že se to brzy zlepší. Zatím jen pár random fotek, včetně ukázek několika knih, které jsem dostala k Vánocům!
Perhaps even I am in the middle of some blogging crisis. Past two weeks I honestly wasn't much in the mood for a photo shoot, winter is long and shooting jackets and coats is awful. I hope that this will soon improve. So far, only a few random photos, including examples of several books I got for Christmas!
Perhaps even I am in the middle of some blogging crisis. Past two weeks I honestly wasn't much in the mood for a photo shoot, winter is long and shooting jackets and coats is awful. I hope that this will soon improve. So far, only a few random photos, including examples of several books I got for Christmas!
7. března 2013
Tenhle týden se mi to s focením venku nějak nedaří. Úvodní fotka je z kavárny, kam jsme s manželem zašli po práci, zbytek vznikl opět na chodbě...
P. S.: Jsem zvědavá, jestli se mi někdy podaří zvládnout ty linky pořádně :-)
My attempts to shoot photos outside are somehow failing this week. Main photo is from cafe, where me and my husband went after work, the rest was again taken in the corridor ...
P.S.: I wonder if I ever manage to master the eyelines properly :-)
P.S.: I wonder if I ever manage to master the eyelines properly :-)
6. března 2013
Tyhle šaty jsem už dávno chtěla vyřadit, ale nakonec se mi jich zželelo. Na fotkách to není sice úplně vidět, ale jsou nádherně fialové a skvěle kontrastují se zrzavými vlasy...
I have wanted to get rid off this dress long time ago, but I finally took pity on them. It has pretty purple colour, although in the photos it is not completely visible, and it is a great contrast with the red hair...
I have wanted to get rid off this dress long time ago, but I finally took pity on them. It has pretty purple colour, although in the photos it is not completely visible, and it is a great contrast with the red hair...
5. března 2013
Dneska opět na chodbě, jediná nevýhoda ranního focení. Sice se už hrozně těším na teplo, ale ještě si musím užít tuhle sukni. I když už mám přichystané jedno tvarově podobné dvojčátko na teplé dny :-)
Today again in the hallway, the only disadvantage of morning photoshooting. Although I am really looking forward to the warm weather, I would like to spent some time in this skirt yet. Even though I already have one shape similar twin for warm days :-)
Today again in the hallway, the only disadvantage of morning photoshooting. Although I am really looking forward to the warm weather, I would like to spent some time in this skirt yet. Even though I already have one shape similar twin for warm days :-)
4. března 2013
Celou zimu jsem se těšila, až si budu moct zase vzít tyhle semišové kozačky. Myslím, že jsou to asi ty nejpohodlnější boty, co mám :-) A z focení venku jsem přímo nadšená! Jen ty domácí vlny nejsou tak perfektní jako minulý týden od kadeřníka...
All winter I was really looking forward to the day when I can again put these suede boots on. I think they are probably the most comfortable shoes I've got :-) And I am excited from shooting outside! Only those homemade waves are not so perfect as the last week from the hairdresser...
All winter I was really looking forward to the day when I can again put these suede boots on. I think they are probably the most comfortable shoes I've got :-) And I am excited from shooting outside! Only those homemade waves are not so perfect as the last week from the hairdresser...
28. února 2013
První březnový příspěvek bude ještě z února...Už mě ta zima nebaví, ani nevíte jak se těším na boty, které nebudou končit u kotníků nebo v půli lýtek :-)
The first March post is still from February... I'm tired of the cold, you do not even know how much I'm looking forward to the shoes that will not end at the ankle or mid-calf :-)
The first March post is still from February... I'm tired of the cold, you do not even know how much I'm looking forward to the shoes that will not end at the ankle or mid-calf :-)
27. února 2013
Ani nevíte, jak moc už se chci fotit venku :-) Nějak se nám nepodařilo vůbec zachytit materiál, ze kterého je tahle sukně, takže mi musíte věřit, že je z velké části koženková s pružnými bočními vsadkami z úpletu...
You do not know how much I want to take pictures outside :-) Somehow we did not capture all the material from which is this skirt made, so you have to believe that it is largely leatherette with elastic side inserts...
You do not know how much I want to take pictures outside :-) Somehow we did not capture all the material from which is this skirt made, so you have to believe that it is largely leatherette with elastic side inserts...