After a long time finally photos from the outside, and I am desperately waiting for spring. Don't you can wait too? My hairdresser had hands full with curling iron on Monday , so I'm enjoying the beautiful waves and try to summon warm weather with my willpower :-)
26. února 2013
Po delší době konečně fotky z venku, už aby bylo jaro. Taky se nemůžete dočkat? V pondělí se na mé hlavě vyřádila kadeřnice s kulmou, takže si užívám krásné vlny a pokouším se přivolat teplé počasí silou vůle :-)
After a long time finally photos from the outside, and I am desperately waiting for spring. Don't you can wait too? My hairdresser had hands full with curling iron on Monday , so I'm enjoying the beautiful waves and try to summon warm weather with my willpower :-)
After a long time finally photos from the outside, and I am desperately waiting for spring. Don't you can wait too? My hairdresser had hands full with curling iron on Monday , so I'm enjoying the beautiful waves and try to summon warm weather with my willpower :-)
20. února 2013
Moje první TIQE šaty... původně jsem si myslela, že se korzetové šaty nedají nosit do práce, a zase jsem byla na omylu. Stačí přidat tričko, halenku, košili nebo svetr a vlastně je jedno jestli navrch nebo dovnitř :-)
My first TIQE dress ... I originally thought that the corset dress can not be worn to work, and again I was wrong. Just add a shirt, blouse, shirt or sweater and actually doesn't matter if it is inside or on top :-)
My first TIQE dress ... I originally thought that the corset dress can not be worn to work, and again I was wrong. Just add a shirt, blouse, shirt or sweater and actually doesn't matter if it is inside or on top :-)
19. února 2013
"Kožené" kalhoty mám na blogu prvně, i když je mám už z minulého prosince. Stále totiž nevím, jestli je to přesně ono...Navíc jsem byla včera upozorněna, že při chůzi vržou :-)))
You can see this faux leather pants on my blog for the first time, although I've had it from last December. I still don't know if that's exactly what I want... Besides, I was advised yesterday that it squeak when I walk :-)))
You can see this faux leather pants on my blog for the first time, although I've had it from last December. I still don't know if that's exactly what I want... Besides, I was advised yesterday that it squeak when I walk :-)))
13. února 2013
Oranžovou rtěnku mám poprvé...nejdřív jsem se trochu bála a pak jsem si na ni zvykla. Navíc se skvěle hodí k náhrdelníku :-) Co vy a oranžová?
I am wearing orange lipstick for the first time at this picture... first I was a bit scared and then I got used to it. In addition it is a perfect match to necklace :-) What you and orange?
I am wearing orange lipstick for the first time at this picture... first I was a bit scared and then I got used to it. In addition it is a perfect match to necklace :-) What you and orange?
12. února 2013
Zase jednou za slušňačku :-) Ani výstřih, ani mini...:-)
Once again as a good girl :-) Neither cleavage nor miniskirt ... :-)
Once again as a good girl :-) Neither cleavage nor miniskirt ... :-)
11. února 2013
Trošku výstřední (až jsem se bála, že mě pošlou z práce domů se převléct) :-) Jo a nevím, jak to manžel fotí :-) asi to bude bleskem, ale ta podprsenka normálně vidět nebyla! :-)
A little eccentric (I was afraid that I will be sent home from work to change clothes) :-) Oh, and I do not know how my husband takes photos :-) I guess it has something to do with flash, but the bra was not normally seen! :-)
A little eccentric (I was afraid that I will be sent home from work to change clothes) :-) Oh, and I do not know how my husband takes photos :-) I guess it has something to do with flash, but the bra was not normally seen! :-)
8. února 2013
Pro někoho asi nuda, ale pro mě fajn pátek :-) a po práci pizza... Jen ty vlasy už mám nějaké divoké, bude to chtít holiče. Nemáte někdo tip, co provést s přerostlou patkou???
For someone probably boring, but fine Friday for me :-) and after work pizza ... Only the hair has gone wild, iI will have to have it cut. Anybody got a tip what do with an oversized fringe??
For someone probably boring, but fine Friday for me :-) and after work pizza ... Only the hair has gone wild, iI will have to have it cut. Anybody got a tip what do with an oversized fringe??
7. února 2013
Těším se na jaro, konečně se začíná později stmívat, takže jsme mohli konečeně udělat nějaké fotky taky venku. Jinak chodím z práce za tmy...
I look forward to spring, finally sunset begins lately, so we could take some pictures outside. Otherwise I return from work when it is dark...
I look forward to spring, finally sunset begins lately, so we could take some pictures outside. Otherwise I return from work when it is dark...
5. února 2013
Nikdy bych netušila, že se to stane i mě, ale ano, miluju maskáče :-) S kašmírovým svetrem a červenou rtěnkou se hlásím do služby :-)
I never would have had an idea that this happens even to me, but yes, I love military pants :-) With cashmere sweater and red lipstick I am ready to the service :-)
I never would have had an idea that this happens even to me, but yes, I love military pants :-) With cashmere sweater and red lipstick I am ready to the service :-)
1. února 2013
Fotky z minulého pátku. Definitivně jsem se rozhodla, že budu nosit tyhle šaty bez spodničky, ne že bych se toužila tak moc obnažovat a neustále odpovídat na dotazy, jestli mám podprsenku, ale prostě to vypadá lépe :-)
Photos from last Friday. I finally decided that I would wear this dress without petticoats, not that I wanted so much stripping and constantly respond to questions, if I'm wearing a bra, but it just looks better :-)
Photos from last Friday. I finally decided that I would wear this dress without petticoats, not that I wanted so much stripping and constantly respond to questions, if I'm wearing a bra, but it just looks better :-)
4. února 2013
Už dlouho tady básním o tom, jak jsem si zamilovala teplé růžové šaty od Petry Balvínové. V zimě jsou skutečně hodně praktické, takže k nim minulý týden přibyl zelený bratříček. Nebo sestřička? :-)
I have been writing about how I love my pink dress from Petra Balvínová. In winter there are really practical, so I have bought them green brother last week. Or sister? :-)
I have been writing about how I love my pink dress from Petra Balvínová. In winter there are really practical, so I have bought them green brother last week. Or sister? :-)
30. ledna 2013
I když je teprve leden, resp. začátek února, v těhle šatech z jarní kolekce Orsay mám pocit, že jaro už je za dveřmi... Doufám, že už tu bude brzy a zima zůstane za námi... :-)
Although it is only January, respectively beginning of February, this dress from the Spring collection of Orsay makes me feel that spring is just right at the door ... I hope that it will be here soon and winter will remain behind us... :-)
Although it is only January, respectively beginning of February, this dress from the Spring collection of Orsay makes me feel that spring is just right at the door ... I hope that it will be here soon and winter will remain behind us... :-)