Hi everybody, welcome back after Christmas, I hope you enjoyed them! I'm sure I will soon add some photos of gifts, atmosphere and so on :-) So as soon as I learn how to download it from my new spy minicamera from Santa :-)
19. prosince 2012
Zdravím všechny po Vánocích a doufám, že jste si je užili! Určitě sem brzy přidám pár fotek dárků, atmosféry a tak :-) tedy hned jakmile se je naučím stahovat z mého nového špionského minifotoaparátu od Ježíška :-)
Hi everybody, welcome back after Christmas, I hope you enjoyed them! I'm sure I will soon add some photos of gifts, atmosphere and so on :-) So as soon as I learn how to download it from my new spy minicamera from Santa :-)
Hi everybody, welcome back after Christmas, I hope you enjoyed them! I'm sure I will soon add some photos of gifts, atmosphere and so on :-) So as soon as I learn how to download it from my new spy minicamera from Santa :-)
18. prosince 2012
Myslím, že tohle bude má nejoblíbenější sukně letošní zimu :-)
I think this will be my favorite skirt this winter :-)
14. prosince 2012
Jak se vám líbí mé kočičí šaty? Já jsem si je moc oblíbila, jak vzor, tak ten krásný pásek, který k nim patří...
How do you like my cat dress? I am very fond of them, I like its pattern as well as that beautiful belt that belongs to it...
How do you like my cat dress? I am very fond of them, I like its pattern as well as that beautiful belt that belongs to it...
13. prosince 2012
Tuhle sukni jste na blogu ještě neviděli. Je to můj první kousek od Petry Balvínové. Protože je ušita z kašmíru, je velmi teplá a nosí se jen v zimě. Na první pohled mě na ní zaujaly fantastické detaily, krajkové vsadky, které se objeví po rozepnutí zipů (jsou i na zadní straně), a srdíčkové zapínání.
You haven't seen this skirt on the blog before. It's my first piece from Petra Balvínová. Because it is tailored from cashmere is very warm and can be worn only in winter. I fell in love with it for the first sight because of the fantastic details, lace inserts, which appears when you open the zippers (they are on the back side too), and hearts on the zippers.
You haven't seen this skirt on the blog before. It's my first piece from Petra Balvínová. Because it is tailored from cashmere is very warm and can be worn only in winter. I fell in love with it for the first sight because of the fantastic details, lace inserts, which appears when you open the zippers (they are on the back side too), and hearts on the zippers.
12. prosince 2012
Asi jsem obět módy, ale jakmile začne zima, mráz a sníh, strašně postrádám podpatky... Takže je pak čas od času vytáhnu a děj se vůle páně :-)
I guess I'm a fashion victim, but as soon as there is winter, frost and snow I really miss the heels ... So I take them out from time to time and the Lord's will be done :-)
I guess I'm a fashion victim, but as soon as there is winter, frost and snow I really miss the heels ... So I take them out from time to time and the Lord's will be done :-)
11. prosince 2012
Tak tohle je oficiálně poslední foto mých sněhulí. Rozhodla jsem se, že už bylo dost náhražek a fejků a od minulého týdne u mě doma bydlí nové originální UGGy :-) Určitě je brzo uvidíte, nebo raděj ne :-) já bych to bez sněhu a zimy ještě chvíli vydržela :-)
So this is officially last photo og these boots. I decided that it was enough substitutes and fakes and since last week new original UGGs live at my place :-) I'm sure you'll see it soon, or not :-) I'd rather have done it without the snow and winter for a while :-)
So this is officially last photo og these boots. I decided that it was enough substitutes and fakes and since last week new original UGGs live at my place :-) I'm sure you'll see it soon, or not :-) I'd rather have done it without the snow and winter for a while :-)
10. prosince 2012
Můj nový kožíšek a opět růžové šaty :-) Nedivte se, jsou z velmi teplého, příjemného a hřejivého materiálu - na zimu naprosto ideální... A na kožichy jsem fakt ujetá, tenhle je můj posledí úlovek a jsem nadšená nejen z jeho barvy, ale i z toho, že byl ve slevě :-)
My new faux fur coat and pink dress again :-) Do not be surprised, this dress is made from very nice, comfortable and warm material - absolutely ideal for the winter... And I am really mad about faux fur coats, this is my last find and I'm excited not only because of its color, but also from the fact that it was on sale :-)
7. prosince 2012
Kalhoty moc nenosím, asi jste si už všimli, že se tady na blogu objevují minimálně. A pokud ano, jsou to pořád ty samé. Tyhle jsem si ale pořídila asi před 14 dny. I když jsou "jen" tříčtvrteční (ono je to vlastně jedno, když má člověk dole kozačky), tak jsou úžasně teplé. Jak se vám líbí?
I don't wear pants too much, you probably have noticed that it appears at least on the blog. And if so, they are still the same. But I bought these about 14 days ago. Although it is "only" three-quarter (it doesn't actually a matter because you have a bottom boots), they are amazingly warm. How do you like it?
I don't wear pants too much, you probably have noticed that it appears at least on the blog. And if so, they are still the same. But I bought these about 14 days ago. Although it is "only" three-quarter (it doesn't actually a matter because you have a bottom boots), they are amazingly warm. How do you like it?
5. prosince 2012
Tak jsem si uvědomila, že už je to skoro pět měsíců, co jsem zpátky z dovolené, a ještě jsem tu neukázala svůj kardigan Cozy. Dlouho jsem po něm marně toužila a pak se rozhodla, pořídit si ho v New Yorku, kde vyjde levněji. Je sice tenký, ale protože je kašmírový tak hezky hřeje, a jeho výhodou je, že ho můžete nosit na takových dobrých patnáct způsobů... :-)
I realized that it's been almost five months since I got back from vacation, and I still have not showed my cardigan Cozy. I have long yearned for him in vain, and then decided to buy it in New York, where it is cheaper. It is thin, but because it is made from cashmere it is so nice warm, and its advantage is that you can wear it in smaybe fifteen ways... :-)
I realized that it's been almost five months since I got back from vacation, and I still have not showed my cardigan Cozy. I have long yearned for him in vain, and then decided to buy it in New York, where it is cheaper. It is thin, but because it is made from cashmere it is so nice warm, and its advantage is that you can wear it in smaybe fifteen ways... :-)
4. prosince 2012
Tomuhle outfitu soukromě říkám francouzská pokojská :-) Moc se mi líbí ta kombinace nahého dekoltu a límečku na krku...
This is outfit I privately call French maid :-) I really like the combination of naked skin and collar on the neck...
This is outfit I privately call French maid :-) I really like the combination of naked skin and collar on the neck...
30. listopadu 2012
Tentokrát jsem si zkusila vzít pod tyto šaty s krajkovou vsadkou spodničku. Musím říct, že ve skutečnosti nebyla vidět tolik jako na fotkách, ale obávám se, že jen s podprsenkou působil outfit estetičtěji. Tak nevím, poraďte. Původní verzi jen s prádlem najdete zde.
This time, I tried to take under this dress with lace inserts slip. I must say that, in fact, it was not seen as much as in the photos, but I think that this dress looks better with bra. I do not know, what do you think. The version with bra can be found here.
This time, I tried to take under this dress with lace inserts slip. I must say that, in fact, it was not seen as much as in the photos, but I think that this dress looks better with bra. I do not know, what do you think. The version with bra can be found here.
29. listopadu 2012
Když jsem vyrazila v tomhle outfitu na pracovní schůzku, dozvěděla jsem se, že vypadám jako normální žena. Vím, že to tak nebylo myšleno, ale nedotklo by se vás to trochu? :-)
When I went in this outfit for a business meeting, I was told that I look like a normal woman. I know it was not meant this way, but it would not affect you a little? :-)
When I went in this outfit for a business meeting, I was told that I look like a normal woman. I know it was not meant this way, but it would not affect you a little? :-)
28. listopadu 2012
Dlouho jsem si ho přála a konečně je tu, co dodat? :-)
I have long wanted it and finally it's here, what can I say? :-)
I have long wanted it and finally it's here, what can I say? :-)
26. listopadu 2012
Po nějakém čase jsem si opět zkusila natočit vlasy a tohle z toho vzešlo... Nevím, každopádně posledních pár dní uvažuju nad tím, že bych se měla zase na chvíli vrátit ke kontaktním čočkám a brýle na čas odložit...
After some time I tried to make my hair curly again, and this came out of that... I do not know, anyway, the last few days I'm thinking about that I should turn back for a moment to contact lenses and not to wear glasses for some time...
After some time I tried to make my hair curly again, and this came out of that... I do not know, anyway, the last few days I'm thinking about that I should turn back for a moment to contact lenses and not to wear glasses for some time...
23. listopadu 2012
Opět mé oblíbené rúžové šaty a semišové kozačky...je to trapné, ale asi jsem závislá... :-)
Again, my favorite pink dress and suede boots ... it's embarrassing, but I'm addicted... :-)
Again, my favorite pink dress and suede boots ... it's embarrassing, but I'm addicted... :-)
22. listopadu 2012
Pamatuji se naprosto přesně, že když jsem si před dvěma roky koupila tyhle šaty, tak byly minimálně o deset centimetrů delší. A přesto, že se o ně starám podle návodu, jsou pořád kratší a kratší :-) a nepředpokládám, že jsem od té doby vyrostla :-) Zatím je tedy nosím jako šaty, ale cítím, že doba, kdy je budu muset přejmenovat na prodloužený svetr, je za dveřmi :-)
I remember exactly when I bought this dress two years ago, it was at least ten centimeters longer. And despite the fact that I care aboutit as directed, it is still shorter and shorter :-) and I do not suppose I have grown up since that :-) I still wear it as a dress, but I feel that the time when I'll have to rename it the elongated sweater is at the door :-)
I remember exactly when I bought this dress two years ago, it was at least ten centimeters longer. And despite the fact that I care aboutit as directed, it is still shorter and shorter :-) and I do not suppose I have grown up since that :-) I still wear it as a dress, but I feel that the time when I'll have to rename it the elongated sweater is at the door :-)
21. listopadu 2012
Poslední z dárků, které jsem dostala k narozeninám... smetanová bunda, ke které patří ještě odpínací spodní díl, díky němuž se o pár centimetrů prodlouží, je od rodičů. Malého ďáblíka Hello Kitty jsem dostala od manžela.
The last of the gifts I got for a birthday... cream jacket, which also includes a detachable bottom, which makes it a few inches longer, is from the parents. Little devil Hello Kitty I received from my husband.
The last of the gifts I got for a birthday... cream jacket, which also includes a detachable bottom, which makes it a few inches longer, is from the parents. Little devil Hello Kitty I received from my husband.
20. listopadu 2012
Na včerejší post jsem dostala moc hezký koment...Proč o tom píšu? Jednak na to nejsem příliš zvyklá, přece jenom každý vidí, že moc čtenářů tu nemám, ale hlavně proto, že mě až do teď nenapadlo, že moje outfity mohou někoho inspirovat :-) Zvlášť když mám pocit, že pro spoustu českých bloggerek musím být nejméně o tisíc let starší konzerva :-) Když jsem se rozhodla, že si tenhle blog založím, věděla jsem, že ho dělám hlavně proto, že mě to baví. Teď jsem ale dostala nový impuls, takže bych ráda všem, kteří stráví chvilku svého času tím, že si prohlídnou moje příspěvky, nebo mi dokonce zanechají nějakou zprávu, moc poděkovala, moc si toho vážím!
I got a very nice comment on yesterday's post ... Why do I write about it? First, I am not used to it, after all, everyone can see that I do not have a lot of readers, but I decided to mention it mainly because I didn't think until now that my outfits can inspire someone :-) Especially when I feel that for a lot of Czech bloggeres I must be at least a thousand years older conservative :-) When I decided that I set up this blog, I knew that I was doing it mainly because I enjoy it. But now I got a new impetus, so I would like to say to all those who spend little of their time by reading my posts, or even leaving me a message, I thank you, I appreciate it!
I got a very nice comment on yesterday's post ... Why do I write about it? First, I am not used to it, after all, everyone can see that I do not have a lot of readers, but I decided to mention it mainly because I didn't think until now that my outfits can inspire someone :-) Especially when I feel that for a lot of Czech bloggeres I must be at least a thousand years older conservative :-) When I decided that I set up this blog, I knew that I was doing it mainly because I enjoy it. But now I got a new impetus, so I would like to say to all those who spend little of their time by reading my posts, or even leaving me a message, I thank you, I appreciate it!
19. listopadu 2012
Dobře, takhle jsou trochu odvážnější, ale jsou nádherné. Příště to tedy raději zkusím se spodničkou :-) nebo ne??? :-)
Well, wearing dress this way is a little adventure, but this dress is wonderful. So next time I will better try to wear something under or not??? :-)
Well, wearing dress this way is a little adventure, but this dress is wonderful. So next time I will better try to wear something under or not??? :-)
17. listopadu 2012
Růžové šaty od Petry Balvínové aspirují na nejoblíbenější v mém současném šatníku. A když vidím své vlasy na těhle fotkách, tak se modlím, aby mně už nikdy nenapadlo nechat si ustřihnout ofinu... :-) Já chci zpět svou patku :-)
Pink dress by Petra Balvínová aspire to be the most popular in my current wardrobe. And when I see these photos of my hair, I pray that I would never thought to have cut the fringe again ... :-) I want back my old hair :-)
Pink dress by Petra Balvínová aspire to be the most popular in my current wardrobe. And when I see these photos of my hair, I pray that I would never thought to have cut the fringe again ... :-) I want back my old hair :-)
16. listopadu 2012
Konečně se dostávám ke svým narozeninovým dárkům :-) tuhle sukni jsem si dala sama :-) a musím říct, že budí značný rozruch... Jak se vám líbí?
Finally, I come to my birthday gifts :-) This skirt I bought as a present for myself :-) and I have to say that it creates quite a stir among people... How do you like it?
Finally, I come to my birthday gifts :-) This skirt I bought as a present for myself :-) and I have to say that it creates quite a stir among people... How do you like it?
14. listopadu 2012
Miluju tyhle kalhoty, naprosto. Přestože obecně kalhoty moc nenosím, a pokud už je mám nikdy se v nich necítím tak jako v šatech nebo sukni, tyhle jsou simply the best :-)
I love these pants, absolutely. Although I generally do not wear pants, and if I do I never feel in them as in a dress or skirt, these are simply the best :-)
I love these pants, absolutely. Although I generally do not wear pants, and if I do I never feel in them as in a dress or skirt, these are simply the best :-)
13. listopadu 2012
Kolik šperků, je moc šperků? Přijde vám moc, když se na jednom relativně malém obličeji sejdou brýle, náušnice a čelenka? Protože jsem měla na paměti slova ze stylingové kurzu o tom, že je dobré mít v dané oblasti jen jeden šperk, bylo mi jasné, že tohle je moc. Jenže já si nemůžu pomoct
:-) Čelenku potřebuji, bez brýli nedojdu ani na tramvajovou zastávku a ty náušnice jsou fakt roztomilé... :-)
How much jewelry is too much jewelry? Do you think it is too much when in one relatively small face meets glasses, earrings and headband? Because I had in mind the words of styling course that you should have only one jewel in one area, it was clear to me that this is too much. But I can not help it :-) I need headband, without glasses I am not able to go even to the tram stop and those earrings are so cute... :-)
:-) Čelenku potřebuji, bez brýli nedojdu ani na tramvajovou zastávku a ty náušnice jsou fakt roztomilé... :-)
How much jewelry is too much jewelry? Do you think it is too much when in one relatively small face meets glasses, earrings and headband? Because I had in mind the words of styling course that you should have only one jewel in one area, it was clear to me that this is too much. But I can not help it :-) I need headband, without glasses I am not able to go even to the tram stop and those earrings are so cute... :-)
9. listopadu 2012
Máte někdy takové dny, že stojíte před plnou skříní a nevíte, co na sebe? Tak to se mi tenhle den taky přihodilo. Na šatech mám ráda, že nemusíte přemýšlet, co k nim jako v případě kalhot nebo sukně, prostě je oblečete a jdete :-) A jak to máte vy? Máte nějaké nouzové řešení, když se dostaví stylingová krize? :-)
Do you ever have days like that, standing in front of a full wardrobe and do not know what to wear? This happened to me that day. I like dress because you do not have to think about how to combine it with something like in the case of the pants or skirt, you simply dress and go :-) And what do you think? Do you have any alternative solution, when the styling crisis arrives? :-)
Do you ever have days like that, standing in front of a full wardrobe and do not know what to wear? This happened to me that day. I like dress because you do not have to think about how to combine it with something like in the case of the pants or skirt, you simply dress and go :-) And what do you think? Do you have any alternative solution, when the styling crisis arrives? :-)
8. listopadu 2012
V poslední době jsem si uvědomila, jak málo nosím klasické modré džíny... Nevím, jestli to náhodou není proto, že je většina lidí považuje za takové "tepláky na ven", až se staly jakousi uniformou poloviny národa. Přesto jsem měla pocit, že v téhle kombinaci mezi všemi těmi postavami oblečenými v černém doslova zářím... Jak to máte se zimním oblečením vy?
Recently, I realized how little I wear classic blue jeans ... I do not know if it happened because most people consider it an "only pants for the outside", so it has become a kind of uniform for half of the nation. Still, I felt shining in this combination between all these figures dressed in black in ... What about you and the winter clothing?
Recently, I realized how little I wear classic blue jeans ... I do not know if it happened because most people consider it an "only pants for the outside", so it has become a kind of uniform for half of the nation. Still, I felt shining in this combination between all these figures dressed in black in ... What about you and the winter clothing?